Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the SIBNA factory.

Export of Products

Export of SIBNA products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: flow sensors, water and heat meters, controllers, power supplies and conversions, gas and oil metering units, measuring units, calibration equipment.
The sale of household meters is made ONLY in BULK
  • Flow sensors
    Flow sensors
    DRG.MI, DRG.MOH, DRS.Z et al .
  • Counters
    SVG.M, SVP, SOZHU, STS.M et al .
  • Flow meters
    Flow meters
    ERIS.IN, ERIS.DRZHI et al .
  • Verification equipment
    Verification equipment
    RU, UPG, TEST-2, etc.
  • Measurement units
    Measurement units
    BIC et al .
  • Measuring complexes
    Measuring complexes
    SVG.MOH , etc .
  • Controllers
    MIKONT-186 and others.
  • Calculators
    BVR.M, BPI.B1, BPI-01.1, etc.
  • Measuring installations
    Measuring installations
    UZM, UZM.T, Sputnik-M, etc.
  • Measurement systems, accounting units
    Measurement systems, accounting units
    SIKN, SIKG, SIKV, etc.
  • Gas control points
    Gas control points
    GRP.B and others.
  • Additional equipment
    Additional equipment
    automation, control units, etc.


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