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Vortex SVG gas meter.The M is designed to measure and account for (operational and commercial) consumed natural gas, associated petroleum gas and other gases (air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.) at industrial facilities, as well as municipal facilities. It can be used as a sensor for air flow, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.
Vortex SVG gas meter.T 311.00.00.000 is designed for measuring and accounting (operational and commercial) of consumed natural gas and other gases that are not aggressive to steel grade 12X18N10T (air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.) at industrial facilities, as well as for monitoring technological processes in various industries.
The vortex SVP steam meter is designed for measuring, operational and commercial accounting of the mass of steam and thermal energy transferred by it in heat supply systems and technological installations where water vapor (saturated or superheated) is used as an energy carrier. It is used in the nodes of commercial accounting of thermal energy of industrial enterprises, in sources of thermal energy, at housing and communal services enterprises, as well as in control systems of parameters of technological installations.
The LPG liquid meter is designed for measuring, monitoring and accounting, including commercial, of the total volume of liquid (water, oil, petroleum products, liquefied gases) in the technological processes of the oil-producing, oil-refining industries, as well as at general industrial enterprises and utilities.
The water meter is electromagnetic SWEM.M is designed to measure the volume and control the volume flow of water, as well as other liquids at industrial enterprises and municipal facilities.
Heat energy meter STS.M is designed for measuring and accounting, including commercial, of the heat energy given or consumed in the heating network with closed or open heat supply systems, where hot water is used as a heat carrier. The meter can be used in commercial heat metering units of industrial enterprises and enterprises of the housing and communal sector, in heat energy sources.
Ultrasonic SGU gas meters are designed to measure the flow and volume of consumed natural gas, associated petroleum gas and other gases (air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.) at industrial facilities, as well as municipal facilities.
The device of the basic configuration according to the type of execution may have a modification:
SGU-1 - equipped with a single-beam sensor DRU1;
SGU-2 - has a two-beam ultrasonic gas sensor DRU2.

Price list


on the STS.M


on the SZHU

on the SVP

at SSU

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All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: flow sensors, water and heat meters, controllers, power supplies and conversions, gas and oil metering units, measuring units, calibration equipment.
The sale of household meters is made ONLY in BULK
  • Flow sensors
    Flow sensors
    DRG.MI, DRG.MOH, DRS.Z et al .
  • Counters
    SVG.M, SVP, SOZHU, STS.M et al .
  • Flow meters
    Flow meters
    ERIS.IN, ERIS.DRZHI et al .
  • Verification equipment
    Verification equipment
    RU, UPG, TEST-2, etc.
  • Measurement units
    Measurement units
    BIC et al .
  • Measuring complexes
    Measuring complexes
    SVG.MOH , etc .
  • Controllers
    MIKONT-186 and others.
  • Calculators
    BVR.M, BPI.B1, BPI-01.1, etc.
  • Measuring installations
    Measuring installations
    UZM, UZM.T, Sputnik-M, etc.
  • Measurement systems, accounting units
    Measurement systems, accounting units
    SIKN, SIKG, SIKV, etc.
  • Gas control points
    Gas control points
    GRP.B and others.
  • Additional equipment
    Additional equipment
    automation, control units, etc.


Development and production of devices and systems for monitoring and measuring the flow parameters of gas-liquid flows in the technological processes of oil and gas production and processing enterprises, energy complexes, water, heat, gas supply enterprises and their consumers.
  • production

    The company has one of the most powerful scientific and production potentials in the field of development and production of pumping, compressor and block-modular equipment for various industries: oil and gas, energy, pipeline transport, water management and housing and communal services.

    A wide range of oilfield equipment, including block-modular equipment for the development of oil and gas fields. Equipment and devices for measuring the flow of oil, gas and water. Repair and maintenance of oil and gas equipment.

    Design and construction of onshore facilities for oil and gas fields. Design and construction of water supply and sanitation facilities. Construction of main and in-field oil and gas pipelines.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Product price list производства
    Product price list
  • Product catalog завода
    Product catalog
  • Questionnaire for the order for the Satellite-M, UZM, UZM.T бренда
    Questionnaire for the order for the Satellite-M, UZM, UZM.T
  • Questionnaire for SVG.M в магазине
    Questionnaire for SVG.M
  • Questionnaire for SVP в магазине
    Questionnaire for SVP
  • Questionnaire for SWEM.M производства
    Questionnaire for SWEM.M
  • Questionnaire for SZHU производства
    Questionnaire for SZHU
  • Questionnaire for STS.M бренда
    Questionnaire for STS.M
  • Questionnaire for ERIS.TUE, VLT бренда
    Questionnaire for ERIS.TUE, VLT


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